Brazilians Vote in Presidential Run Off

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                 Millions of Brazilians are set to vote for a new president in what is regarded as the tightest vote the country has seen in decades.
                 Incumbent left-leaning President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party (PT) faces centrist Aecio Neves of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) in the second run-off round.
                  Both candidates have pledged to kick-start Latin America’s largest economy and make it more competitive.

Voting opens at 08:00 (10:00 GMT).
The latest opinion polls showed President Rousseff with a slight lead over the opposition candidate.
A survey by pollster Datafolha gave her 52 per cent voter support against 48 per cent for Mr. Neves.
A separate survey by polling firm Ibope gave the incumbent 53 per cent against 47 per cent for her challenger.
Both polls had a margin of error of plus or minus 2 per cent.
Poor Brazilians, particularly in the impoverished northeast, remain loyal to Dilma Rousseff thanks to her party’s trademark welfare programmes, such as the Bolsa Familia family grant scheme.
She obtained her largest support there in the first round of the presidential election on October 5, with almost 60 per cent of votes.
But wealthy Brazilians, who are against interventionist economic policies such as petrol price controls and high taxes, favour instead business-friendly Aecio Neves.
He is regarded in the financial markets as someone to put the economy back on track, after four years of low growth rates with the country now technically in recession, the BBC says.
More than 140 million Brazilians will vote on Sunday, but report says much will depend on who wins the middle-class vote in the industrialised southeast.