Come and Have S**ex With Me, 56year Old Woman Chases Man With Knife and Cane

            While millions of men were out there looking for a lady to make love with, a 56 years old woman identified as Elizabeth Highle was arrested after she allegedly chased a 25-year-old man with a knife and cane for refusing to have s*x with her.
            According to online report gathered by, Elizabeth Highley was allegedly drinking wine with the much younger man in her Port St. Lucie-area home last month when her attempt to have s*x with him majorly backfired, The Smoking Gun reported.

Instead of being wooed over, he rebuffed her, allegedly sending Highley into a rage that led to her grabbing a hunting knife and cane and giving chase. It wasn’t until the lustful Highley chased the man into a nearby convenience store’s parking lot that he found a deputy for help.
The deputy was able to talk her into dropping her weapons and lying down on the ground before she was taken into custody.
Her victim, who sustained a small laceration on his thumb from Highley’s blade, told the deputy that they were not a couple.
She was released on $3,500 bail after being charged with felony aggravated assault.